7 Simple Ways to Write Killer Email Subject Lines that Get Clicks

Written by Paul

January 2, 2024

Email Subject Lines

In today’s digital age, we all know how important email communication is for businesses. However, with overloaded inboxes and spam emails, it can be challenging to make your emails stand out. That’s why we’ve put together some tips and best practices to help you write subject lines that get clicks and improve your email open rates. Here are some of our top recommendations:


  1. Keep it Short and Sweet

Aim for subject lines that are around 50 characters or less to make it easier for subscribers to read and understand.


  1. Use Action-Oriented Language

Action verbs such as “discover,” “learn,” “join,” or “get” can make your subject lines more compelling and encourage subscribers to take action.


  1. Make it Personalized

Personalizing your subject lines with the subscriber’s name or other personal details can increase open rates and make your email more relevant to the recipient.


  1. Create a Sense of Urgency

Use phrases such as “limited time offer,” “last chance,” or “don’t miss out” to create a sense of urgency and encourage subscribers to take action quickly.


  1. Ask a Question

Asking a question in your subject line can spark curiosity and encourage subscribers to open your email to find the answer.


  1. Use Numbers or Lists

Using numbers or lists can make your subject lines more eye-catching and easier to read. For example, “10 Tips for Writing Killer Subject Lines” is more compelling than “Tips for Writing Killer Subject Lines.”


  1. Test, Test, Test

A/B testing different subject lines can help you determine what works best for your audience and improve your open rates and click-through rates.


Lastly, writing killer subject lines is crucial for getting your emails noticed in today’s crowded inbox. By using our tips and best practices, you can create subject lines that are short, action-oriented, personalized, urgent, engaging, and tested for effectiveness. So, start implementing these strategies in your next email campaign and see the difference for yourself!


Ready to start crafting killer email subject lines that get clicks? Contact us today to learn more about how our team can help you optimize your email marketing strategy and achieve your goals!


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